Friday 28 June 2013

Most Colorful Eye Make Up Ever

Colourful eye makeup tutorials are simply awesome to try. Here is an another amazing eye makeup tutorial which you will totally fall in love with. Have a look at it and try this one!
Things you will need:
  • A concealer and foundation for the eyes
  • A face compact
  • Eye shadow (Colors needed:  Blue, Golden/yellow ,Red/Peach, Charcoal/Black, Purple/violet, Pink, Silver/white )
  • Blue Eye Liner Pencil
  • Liquid Eye Liner
  • Kajal/Black liner
  • Mascara
  • Lash Curler
  • Lash Comb

Step 1:

On clean eye lids, apply a concealer and foundation. Follow it up with a compact for flawless texture

Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 1Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 2Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 3

Step 2:

Apply Blue eye shadow in a slanted form like shown in the picture below.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 4Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 5

Step 3:

Then apply a golden eye shadow or a yellow eye shadow on the rest of the lid but make sure you do not go into the creases or extend it.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 6Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 7

Step 4:

Follow at the creases and then extend in a tail form with the peach or red eye shadow. Follow this colour almost till brow bones but leave a little space for the silver shadow which we will use later. Red provides an exotic touch to normal eye makeup.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 8Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 9

Step 5:

Take a black or a charcoal shade and use it on the creases, extending a little forward onto the lid.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 10Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 11

Step 6:

Take some pink eye shadow and swipe it below the lower rim giving it an extension.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 12Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 13

Step 7:

Cover the point near the nose to the whole of brow bone where you didn’t apply any peach colour with the silver or white shadow.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 14Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 15

Step 8:

Take the purple eye shadow and use only on the lids over the charcoal or black eye shadow. Adding a dash of a purple colour over the dark charcoal on the lids will add to the look.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 16Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 17

Step 9:

Use a blue liner pencil now and draw a soft line below the lower rim on the exteriors.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 18

Step 10:

Draw a thin line with the liquid liner. I’ve extended the front and back portion in a tail and created a new touch to the whole traditional winged liner concept by not drawing a tailed extension from the lower rim and joining the two. Use kajal or a black liner pencil onto the lower rim without any extensions.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 19Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 20

Step 11:

Apply mascara from the top to bottom on the upper lashes and in a zig zag form on the lower lashes
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 21

Step 12:

Comb the lashes with a lash comb to get rid of any clumps of mascara. Follow with one or two mascara applications if required.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 22

Step 13:

Use a lash curler if required.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 23

Step 14:

Here is the final look of this exotic and colourful eye shadow.
Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 24Colourful Eye Makeup Tutorial 25Hope you liked the tutorial. Leave your lovely comments below.

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