1. Carry all essentials in your office bag:
I have a mini home in the office, so I never feel agitated ever if I miss out on anything. From hand lotions to wet wipes, sanitizers, green tea sachets, vitamins you name it, I have it in my drawer. Many times, my colleagues have come and borrowed things from me and even implemented the same for themselves. 

2. I Tone/Refresh Tears Eye Drops:
This is the most important thing for all you girls who strain your eyes for long hours due to long hours of computer screen exposure. I recommend, you buy these over-the-counter eye drops easily available in the market. I personally use Eye tone. It has the following ingredients – distilled water, tulsi extract, pure honey and other cooling ingredients. It instantly perks up my eyes. I use it 2-3 times a day and put 1-2 drops in one go. Trust me; it keeps your eyes fresh! It is also a great tip to follow, before applying make-up. A word of caution here, these eye drops should be finished within one month from opening the seal and please do not share them with other people.
3. Rubbing Ice/Filtered Cold Water:
This tip is the most common one and mostly you all must be following. I usually get some ice in a clean handkerchief and rub it on my face gently. I also add rose water at times or freeze rose water cubes. It works wonders. The effect of rubbing ice on the face is stimulating the blood flow thus, makes it a bit reddish initially. Don’t worry about that at all. Another advantage of the same is that it helps the makeup applied stay longer
Another quick tip I follow is that I keep a clean water bottle (filtered) in the fridge and wash my face early in the morning. I also use it after I come from office. It refreshes the skin instantly.

4. Essential Vitamins:
Okay, some of you may not like this idea, but I have been doing this for years now and I have no problems touchwood. I take Vitamin E (Evion 400) and vitamin C tablets (Lymcee) after breakfast daily. Vitamin E has skin healing properties and protects you from the sun whereas; Vitamin C is keeps skin healthy. These vitamins are available over the counter and are very reasonable.
5. Green Tea:
Okay, I am an ardent green tea drinker. I do not consume normal tea or coffee. I believe green tea improves the skin texture, keeps you fit and minimizes swollen faces. Do give it a try. I have a green tea maker on my desk. FYI my brother knows my obsession for green tea and he has kept my name as green tea on his phone.
6. Small meals at regular intervals:
This is the famous Rujuta Diwekar tip
I have been following her books, tweets, every other article. She has written some very good books. Small meals keep you active and you will have energy throughout the day, hence keeping you cheerful. Do remember happy girls are the prettiest. 

So , hese are some tips I have been following for many years now, believe me, it works wonders. These are very easy to incorporate and help you get rid of the mundane week ahead. I hope you like my secret tips. Last but not the least, please drinks lots of H2O and consume as much as fresh foods as possible.
Love to you beauties 

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