Friday, 28 June 2013

How to Make Eye Shadows Last Longer on the Eyes

You can check the nearby drug stores for primers; especially look out for eye primer. A primer is basically a cream which acts as a base for your eye makeup. The primer has the capacity to make the eye shadow last longer and bring out the true shade. Also the primer evens out the skin tone which in turn helps the eye shadow to show up uniformly.
How to make your own primer
A basic primer can be made by mixing the foundation, moisturizer and a binding agent.
Choose a foundation which is a tone lighter than your natural skin tone. This is because the lighter shade of the foundation evens out the skin on your eye lid and the colors reflect properly. The binding agent here is the talc/face powder.

2. Invest in good quality products:

Try, test and buy good quality products like the waterproof eye liners and crease-proof pencils and eye shadows.

3. The method:

Eye Shadow makeup
eye shadows
proof pencil makeup
eye makeup with breshkajal eye liner makeup
Apply primer, allow it to set and then start applying your eye shadow. Makesure that you invest in a long lasting eye shadow. Investing in quality products is better option any day as you also tend to reduce the risk of any skin problems.
Once you are done with that go for the kajal/eye liner and mascara. Never apply your liner and mascara before the eye shadow!
I hope these simple steps help you in setting up a fabulous eye makeup look! Do drop in your comments.

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