Rebonding has become an addictive habit now, not actually with me, but with all the ladies. Once you get it done, you always want to do it again. As I said, I do rebonding at home, so I bought this kit from Wella. I have used this kit before and got amazing results. There are two variants, one is the mild one that is for chemically treated hair and the intense one for 30% bleached hair and natural hair. But ultimately mild does not give very good results as it does leave the hair a bit wavy and does not straight out all the kinks. So, I will give you a little detail on how to use this product and what effects it causes to the hair.
Rs. 450 for 2 treatments, 100 ml each.
Product Description:
They have given a long pamphlet mentioning how to use the product, for what time it should be left, important tips, and do’s and don’ts. The list is very long that I cannot write it in the review or else you guys will have to wait a day to read the review.
Ways To Use Wellastrate Straightening Kit ( I have shortened the steps and wrote it in my own way as that becomes easy for everyone to read):
1. Wash your hair and blow dry it completely.
2. You get those boards from Wella itself which you place under the hair. Partition your hair into 4 parts and apply the straightening cream strand by strand and use four boards, one for backside hair, one for right side, one for left and the fourth one if you have bangs or fringe.
3. Now, comb each hair and place them on the boards, they will automatically stick to the board, so that the hair become fully straight and comb the kinks or curves if any.
4. Now, you have to sit for an hour with the boards stuck to your hair. The actual time mentioned for bleached hair is 15-20 minutes, but I don’t get all straightened hair in that time, so I keep it for an hour. Make sure to apply 2 cms away from the scalp as you don’t want it to go inside your scalp and if it goes inside, it would cause hair fall.
5. Remove the boards and wash the hair after an hour with lukewarm water and then blow dry. You will have really really bad hair but that is because of the chemical treatment and do not get scared, the neutralizer has still its work to do.
6. Now, take your straightening iron and keep the temperature around 180 degrees. Now, take very small strands and straighten each strand perfectly for 3 times and do it for all your hair.
7. Now, apply the step 2 that is the neutralizer in the same way as you did with the first step (the straightening cream) and leave it for an hour again.
8. Wash it after an hour and blow dry it and you are done with the rebonding process.
9. Now, do not clip you hair or put them behind your ears as it may develop curves and do not even apply water. Wash your hair after 3 days with your shampoo and conditioner and you will have gorgeously straightened hair.
My Experience with Wellastrate Straight System Kit:
I have been rebonding my hair at home only, so I bought this kit. This kit contains a straightening cream, a neutralizing cream and a pamphlet of instructions. The straightening cream is a bit thick in consistency like the conditioners and has a very strong smell which actually irritates the nose and eyes at times, but that’s how all the chemical treatments are done. People who have rebonded their hair might be knowing the way these creams smell. It comes in white colour and is easy to apply, but you have to put on gloves while doing it and you need at least one person to do the entire process for you as you can’t do it yourself and I love my mom
The neutralizer is also white in colour and is less thick in consistency than the straightening cream and also the smell is a little less strong. The consistency of this is like the shampoos. This kit gave me amazing results and it did what it promised. It fully straightened my hair, actually poker straight. There was not even a single curve in my hair, although if we use the mild one, the curves will be still spotted. It also conditioned my hair and did not leave them rough.
It did not even cause excess damage excluding the damage that this process causes. It will damage the hair a little as it a chemical treatment but the creams did not cause any further damage. The damage was less as compared to the damage I noticed in my hair when I got it done at the parlour as they use excessive chemicals, but sadly, the results turn out to be same either ways. The product only caused me 450 bucks which is like a penny for the beautiful hair it gave me. Each tube is a 100 ml one, so was almost enough for my hair and doing it at home did not make any difference as I am doing this at home for the past 3-4 years, but yes, you need to take care and also the person doing it for you should do it in the right way. Even if you don’t do rebonding at home, you can tell your stylist to use this one as this will give you perfect straight hair.
Pros of Wellastrate Straight System Kit:
- The quantity in the tubes are enough for the length (hair) I have.
- Made my hair very very straight.
- Did not leave any curves behind.
- Costs just a few bucks.
- Can be done at home, you don’t need to go to the parlour.
- Comes with a pamphlet that will answer all your questions.
- Rebonding will last for a year with this kit.
- No excess damage due to the creams.
- Did not make my hair rough but that depends on hair type as well.
Cons of Wellastrate Straight System Kit:
- The kit does not contain the boards required for the rebonding process.
- The kit does not contain gloves mandatory for the rebonding process.
- One box might not be enough if you have your hair 5-6 cm longer than me.
Will I Repurchase/Do I Recommend Wellastrate Straight System Kit?
Yes of course, I will be using this one whenever I want to straighten my hair permanently and I know this idea of doing rebonding hair at home would not be okay for everyone, but if you are comfortable with it, then use this one, it will give you what you need.
IMBB Rating:
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