Wednesday 3 July 2013

7 Best Weight Loss Books

best weight loss books 7 Best Weight Loss Books
Hi Everyone, mean 7 Best Weight Loss Books
Yesterday Sanjeev was looking for a book to read in our bookshelf and he saw these weight loss books lying there. He said “why don’t you review all these weight loss books? It’d be helpful.”. I gleefully agreed. Why not?  There are more than these 7 books that I have read since September 2011 when I decided to lose weight. And now I am pretty much a health and fitness addict so I go through a lot of health and fitness material on day to day basis both online and offline.
Anyhoo. These are some of the books that have been helpful to me in my weight loss. But as I was getting wiser (ahem! m0447 7 Best Weight Loss Books ), I realised that some people have written books mostly to promote themselves while some have gone all out to help people. Here is my assessment of these 7 weight loss books. Hope you find this post helpful. mean 7 Best Weight Loss Books
1. Don’t Lose your Mind, Lose your Weight by Rujuta Diwekar : This book would change your life. If you are starting on your  weight loss journey, that’s where you should be starting. It is an easy to follow book. For me this book was more of a re-learning of all the things that my mom asked me to follow once but I didn’t. m0447 7 Best Weight Loss Books But this book helped me a lot. She teaches you little things such as eating every two hours, how to plan your meals, what to eat, importance of exerice..and how you can eat everything. There are some brilliant examples through out the book where she has corrected meals of a lot of her clients. It is one of the most honest and genuine books where the intention clearly is to help people and change the way they think about weight loss.
Rating : 5/5
Buy : HERE
dont lose your mind lose your weight 7 Best Weight Loss Books
2. Women and the weight loss Tamasha by Rujuta Diwekar: This is the sequel of ‘Don’t Lose you Mind, Lose you Weight.’ This books gives your more in-depth knowledge of changes a woman’s body goes through - pregnancy, hormones, menopauseperiodsPCOD. There is a good portion on diabetes as well. I got a bit bored of reading this book because it is quite a detailed book. When you are on a weight loss mission, all you want to know is ’5 quick tips on how to lose weight’ and when someone starts talking aout anything not related to that you lose your interest. m0447 7 Best Weight Loss Books Hang on to it till the end and you’d end up feeling so knowledgable about the changes in your body and how you can tackle them. There are some portions in the book that you may feel were in Rujuta’s previous book as well but the books are written by the same author so it’s all good. Excellent read and a must read!
Rating : 5/5
Buy : HERE
3. Eat Delete by Pooja Makhija : This was the most hyped book because of the celebrity quotient related to it. Honestly, I read it in 2 hours. And if you have read Rujuta’s book, you don’t need to read this. In fact if you read this book after R’s book, you’d find this book pretty frivolously written  This book didn’t come across as if there was much thought put into it. She makes you calculate BMR and then decide how many calories you should be eating everyday. If you can follow that, good for you. The book is written in easy to understand language. This book also came across as a promotional book. Not in my recommendation list.
Rating : 2.5/5
4. Confessions of a Serial Dieter by Kalli Purie : I love this woman. Again, this was one brutally honest confession of someone who was struggling with weight all her life . You HAVE to read this book. She’d make you believe that although weight loss may not be easy, it is definitely not impossible. If she can, you can. If I can, you can. mean 7 Best Weight Loss Books I have written more about this book HERE.
 Rating : 5/5
5. Lose Kilo a Week by Nishi Grover : Kallie Purie in her book mentions about a ‘Dominatrix Dietician’  in her book ‘Confessions of  Serial Dieter’. Kallie was talking about Nishi Grover. m0447 7 Best Weight Loss Books I got scared while reading this book. It was as if someone was standing on top of my head with a stick and asking me to ‘EAT 2 pieces of fruit every hour’, or ‘slap the person who offered you a chocolate’ or ‘I’d give you one tight slap if you eat anything after 6 pm. I wanted to run away. loll!! But I would say read this book. She teaches you to learn to say ‘no’ but ideally, you cannot follow her diet plan if you are not one of her client. I found her diet so strict that actually if she does not stand on top of my head with a stick, I’d definitely cheat. m0447 7 Best Weight Loss Books
Rating : 3.5/5
6. Love Your Body by Yana Gupta : Yana had an eating problem. She had image issues. She got rid of all of it with a help of a teacher. It is a good book. She talks about all good things about weight loss exercise and nutrition. Buy this if you just want to read more content on health and fitness. It is not a must have book.
Rating : 3/5
buy HERE
7. The Beauty Diet by Shonali Sabherwal : If I had written a review of this book probably one year back, it would have been negative. But now that I have come such a long way in fitness, I want to re-read this book. Shonali’s follows a probiotic approach to fitness. It is a very scientific book. She tell you things such as ‘ you don’t need dairy as adults.’ As Indians we’d want to scratch our heads and wonder… She’d tell you about stevia, barley, chia seeds, sweet potatoes, brown rice and probably everything that would seem a little difficult to follow in your day to day life. Her clients such as Katrina Kaif, Neha Dhupia get lunch boxes packed from her kitchen because honestly, it is difficult to prepare her recipes on day to day basis. You’d need a major lifestyle change to follow what she preaches. A a lot of things would go above your head if you are just starting with your healthy lifestyle. So I’d say that you read this book may be 5-6 months after you are into fitness and you want to take that extra step in making more lifestyle changes. This book is not for the normal junta.
Rating : 4/5
best weight loss books india 7 Best Weight Loss Books
Weight loss is only about two things – exercise and diet. But there is so much that goes behind these two words. Hope you found this post helpful. Good luck with your weight loss. mean 7 Best Weight Loss Books

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